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Making Time for Charity

  Michael Thompson


On Friday, June 9th, our group of companies (ISB Canada and AFIMAC participated in the Relay for Life in Milton, ON. Together we contributed over $6,000 to the Canadian Cancer Society and ranked as the 2nd highest donor.

This was my 10th Relay for Life and every year leading up to the event I seem to go through the same struggle; I have so much to do, I am getting too old to stay up all night, they will not miss me with all those other people there. Thankfully, every year I make the right choice to attend and am very grateful I do.

When you see how many people are touched by cancer, it is truly overwhelming. No one is sheltered from this terrible disease. If you have never participated before, it is truly a heartwarming experience to hear the survivor stories, see the track lit with hundreds of luminaries and witness the volunteers rallying together for the cause.

There is really no other feeling in the world like giving back to the community or helping a worthy cause; whether it is participating in a fundraiser, working in a soup kitchen during the holidays or volunteering your time to help the elderly. The reward is the realization that you have made a significant or positive change in someone’s life that they will never forget.

In a world where our lives are so busy, it is important to remember there is always someone worse off than ourselves. So, I encourage you to give back, whether it is finding a few dollars or a few minutes, it will give you a feeling of greater purpose like no other feeling in the world!

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