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Supply Chain Security Hinges on the Trucking Industry Retaining and Recruiting Top Talent

Truck In Mountains Supply Chain Security and Keys to Promoting the Development of Young Talent

Worldwide supply chain security has had a long list of challenges throughout the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccine mandates, COVID testing, and now truck driver shortages have presented difficult hurdles to a global supply chain that is already under extreme pressure. Backlogs and delays are commonplace, and today, the trucking industry must get creative to ensure that the flow of goods keeps up with the volatile swings in supply and demand.

Truck drivers, in particular, play an important role in supply chain security. This industry has been rapidly aging, and youth must be injected into these workforces to ensure a supply chain that is ready and willing to take on whatever challenge is next. The trucking industry’s commitment to youth will encourage sustainable supply chains and help to avoid labor shortages in the future.

Supply Chain Security: Statistics Show a Slowly Brewing Labor Disaster

There already was a lack of youth within the truck driving industry well before the pandemic began. Recently, the American Trucking Association estimated that the industry, as of 2022, is short on 80,000 truck drivers. With close to 75% of all freight in the United States being transported by truckers, the shortage of workers is an important issue that must be resolved as quickly as possible. Recruiting young truck drivers, including both men and women, has been a historical challenge for the industry.

Use these tips to help attract and recruit young people to your organization.

Truck Stop Ariel View Six Simple Tips for Recruiting within the Trucking Industry

Developing young talent is one of the many solutions to securing a viable global supply chain for the long run. Hiring managers and HR professionals in the trucking industry can benefit from these simple recruitment strategies.

1. Get Up Close and Personal with Your Target Hires

Consider partnering with local high schools, colleges, universities, and trade schools to expose your brand directly to young people, even if they aren’t yet ready to join the workforce. A friendly and positive experience between a young person and recruiter can go a long way, even years after the first interaction.

A friendly HR professional who sets up shop at a career fair can get to know local youth directly, inquire about what they are looking for in a career, and even discover information that can help future recruitment. Begin to get to know your target audience, learn about what they are looking for, and begin to develop hiring practices that speak directly to their needs.

2. Reduce Barriers to Employment

So many industries have been set on grouping applicants into specific categories, whether it be related to their education or degree type. Instead, consider throwing out restrictions related to educational credentials and categorize applicants based on questionnaires or some simple quizzes. Educational barriers have hindered many businesses from tapping into local talent, failing to recognize that youth can be trained and shaped to fit your company’s values.

Reviewing Stats 3. Develop Your Recruitment Experience

HR professionals may have forgotten to follow up with candidates that simply don’t meet the criteria of an open position. But when it comes to young talent, these subsets of workers talk a lot, and a negative experience during the hiring process can make the rounds quickly. If you leave young candidates with a bad experience, word gets out, and your company could develop a reputation for providing an unpleasant hiring experience. Should that occur, the number of local applicants you receive for an open position could drop to historic lows.

Ensure that your hiring practices offer clear lines of communication and that all inquiries about a position are promptly responded to. Help your company develop a reputation where local youth want to work for your company.

4. Survey Those You Recruit

Communication is crucial for recruiting top talent, and while you may believe your job description is crystal clear, a simple post recruitment survey might reveal something different. Follow up with candidates with a post-recruitment survey to hear more about their understanding of the job description and discover if the key messaging and selling points are reflected in your job descriptions. You might be surprised as to what you find, and this information will help you adjust your job postings and ensure it communicates “what is in it for them.”

5. Internships that Offer Real Work Experience and Skills

Intern and mentorship opportunities are great ways to get talent in the door, but what is in it for the young person entering your workforce? Grabbing coffee and lunch for the office doesn’t give any great work experience, and young candidates recognize that. Interns are the future, and their free labor should pay dividends in the form of new skills, work experience, and references that make a difference. Take internships seriously and ensure they are coming away with something more meaningful than a bullet point on a resume.

6. Recognize the Buyer’s Market

With ongoing labor shortages and early retirement within the trucking industry, young talent has more leverage than ever in finding a great career path. The idea that everyone must “pay their dues” with grueling entry-level or shift work isn’t as well accepted by candidates in today’s world. Young people know that certain industries are struggling to find candidates, and your offerings might have to adjust to reflect the current nature of work.

Job training, education incentives, and work that not only offers a reasonable wage but a healthy work-life balance speak volumes in today’s market. Of course, it’s not always about the money; instead of a job, offer a career.

Office Buildings Supply Chain Security and Recruitment Simplified by ISB Global Services

Investing in young talent is a long process that can ensure future economic success. As an HR manager, leave no stone unturned when hiring young workforces with far-reaching background checks that paint a complete picture of any prospective hire.

PULSE, powered by ISB Global Services, is a comprehensive suite of cargo loss prevention and supply chain security products tailored to help HR managers reduce risk exposure from hiring and mitigate internal cargo crime losses. Services are far-ranging and can include extensive supply chain security assessments, driver and criminal background checks, along with supply chain risk evaluations, services, and audits.

Criminal record and driver checks can help you make informed HR decisions that promote a culture of accountability and integrity within your workforce. Contact us directly to learn about our extensive suite of supply chain security products that can mitigate risks and ensure the long-term success of your business.
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