ISB Global Services (ISB) is pleased to provide this electronic newsletter to keep our clients updated on all things related to the Order Center! The ISB Buzz will be sent out each quarter and will include a variety of information that we believe is valuable to our clients. Enjoy!
Court Case Number (Quebec only)
ISB Global Services is pleased to offer this product for the province of Quebec!
The Court Case Number is available in our ISB Order Center (product #107). Using the Police file Number, this product will provide you with the Court Case Number in 24 hours to 48 hours of your request.
Strike Net (Across Canada and the US)
ISB Global Services is pleased to offer this product across Canada and the US.
From an address and date, this search can provide maps and lightning strike tables from the National Lightning Detection Network, indicating times, size of the electric current, and exact longitude and latitude of strikes. You will receive the result within 24 hours of your request.
ARIS - Authorized Requester Information Services |
The majority of information contained in The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) records is personal information and not part of public record. The MTO records can be accessed by organizations for MTO authorized uses under the Authorized Requester Information Services. Only "authorized" approved requesters who have entered into a contractual agreement with the MTO may obtain this information.
Benefits of ARIS
- Faster turnaround time
- Premium pricing
- 30% savings
- More in depth information provided within report
- Can search for a report using limited information
ARIS vs Non-ARIS Report Results Comparison
#1. Driver Record Abstract
Address, Name, License type, Date of Birth, Gender, Height, License Status, Convictions
Name, License type, Date of Birth, Gender, Height, License Status, Convictions
#10. VIN History
Name/Driver's Licence number of registered owner, Date the plate was attached, Make, Model, Year, Colour, Body type, Date Vehicle was registered, Odometer reading
Make, Model, Year, Colour, Body type, Date vehicle was registered, Odometer reading
#3. Name Search for Drivers Licence Number
Driver's License Number (DL)
Product Not Available
#6. Licence Plate History
Name, Registered owner, Driver's Licence number, Plate, VIN, Make, Model, Year, Colour, All individuals who have owned this plate
Plate, VIN, Make, Model, Year, Colour, Date that the plate was attached/detached
#8. Plate Search for Owner
Name, DL, Address, Plate, VIN, Make, Model, Year, Colour, Date that the plate was attached
Plate, VIN, Make, Model, Year, Colour, Date that the plate was attached
Update from ISB Vendor Management |
As the ongoing Pandemic continues to impact organizations across the globe, ISB has executed an initiative to implement new processes with our supporting police services across North America. ISB is pleased to announce that our efforts have successfully streamlined methods of obtaining police reports with our top police services, decreasing turnaround times by as much as 50%.
These initiatives include innovative solutions such as secured electronic transmission (eliminating snail mail), eliminating wet signature requirements, and streamlining required information for our various vendors. The new improvements are being implemented with Calgary Police Service, Halifax Police Service, Toronto Police Service, Durham Regional Police Service, & PEI Department of Transportation.
Stay tuned for more information as ISB monitors the pandemic's impact on all agencies across North America to find ways to improve processes. You will find an update on the police agencies who are experiencing significant delays/backlogs on the Order Centre sign-on screen.
Why do certain Ontario collision reports need to be ordered directly from the police agency?
There are some instances where collision reports may not be found electronically through the MTO database. This usually occurs when:
- The officer did not submit the report
- The collision is still under investigation
- The collision damages are valued under $2000
- Damages were a result of a fire that occurred after the collision
- Collision was classified as an "occurrence"
- The information provided on the request was incorrect
Why is my Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) report request on hold?
All MVA searches through the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) may only be searched 20 days after the date of loss. A request can also be placed on hold by the police agency if the matter is before the courts or the report has not yet been completed or filed by the police officer. Quebec MVA Reports may be placed on hold in the cases that the officer has not yet submitted the report, if the matter is still under investigation, or if the matter is before the court. If your police report contains information of a minor who is under indictment, the report will not be released.
Why is the police report not available on the MTO Database?
The matter could be before the courts, the report isn't yet completed, or incorrect information has been provided (e.g. incorrect date of loss, police report number, etc.).
What if my insured is deceased? How do I get an occurrence report with no consent form?
If your insured is deceased and you require the police report, the consent form may be signed by the Executor or the insured's next of kin. We will also require proof of the appointment of the executor along with a copy of the insured's will. Please note: The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Freedom of Information will not release information on deceased parties for compassionate reasons. The Access of information will not release any reports associated with a deceased person. According to the Access to Information Act, for Quebec, no document can be shared without the consent of the person involved. If the insured is deceased, the consent form may be signed by the executor or the insured's next of kin. If any other parties mentioned in the report are deceased, their name must be provided so the report may be directed to the Coroner's Office for approval.
Why do you require the police file number?
There is a chance that the police report can still be found without the police file number, but it is highly recommended to provide this information for a better chance to find the report the first time. Also, for our ISB team to follow up directly with the agency, the police agency will request we provide the police file number. Police file number is mandatory for Quebec province.
Is the date of loss and officer's name/badge sufficient to search for the police report?
Unfortunately, the date of loss and the officer's name is not sufficient to request a police report. This search is too broad for the agency to locate. Providing the Officer's name is not required for the province of Quebec. The only information required is the date of loss, location of the accident, and the police file number. Providing the license plate number and driver's license number can always be very beneficial for locating the report.
We contacted Toronto police and all they require is the location of accident, date, insured name/plate and officer's name/badge number, so why do you need the police file number and driver's licence number of insured driver?
Our ISB team will always try to request the police report with the information provided, but to better increase the chance of obtaining your report the first time, it is always best that you provide as much information you have on file.
How can I update a request already sent to ISB?
The best way to update an existing order is to send the information for Quebec to and for the rest of Canada to If one of our team members has contacted you by email, you are also able to respond directly to that email to update the order information.
How do I obtain a Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) report from Guelph, Ontario Provincial Police, Niagara, Waterloo or London Police Agencies?
MVA reports are not available directly from these agencies. These agencies have directed all MVA requests to be sent directly to the MTO database.
"ISB Global Services are very quick and accurate when it comes to their service."
Sarun Kasinathan
Wawanesa Mutual Insurance
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